Dreaming of being Rich


TITLE Dreaming of being Rich

SPEAKER Mrs. Linda Tanug

PLACE Panganan, Bukidnon

DATE August 10, 1990.

CASSETTE #MS3B4 (one-third through)


INTERLINEARIZED March 1991 (RH) - Redone May91

GENRE Narrative

NOTE I asked Linda what she would do if they had a lot of money. e.g. P100,000.

NOTE Recorded privately in my office

MU153001 001

   Spoken: Meyi dakel    e    se  seleppi  ney,       eggaling       key      
   Formal: Meyi dakel    e    se  seleppi  ney        eggalin        key      
 Phonemic: mei­ dakel    ­e   se  seleppi­ ney        ­eggalin       key      
  Lexemes: mei­ dakel    ­e   se  seleppi­ ney        ­eg- =galin    key      
  Lex POS: conj adj      part cmk n        pron       v_aff=v_rt     pron     
Lex Gloss: if   big/many COMP F   money    1pe_NF(II) NP   =transfer 1pe_F    
 Word POS: conj adj      part cmk n        pron       v              pron     
Wrd Gloss: if   big      COMP the money    ours(excl) transfer       we(excl) 

   Spoken: e    riye  te  Simud. 
   Formal: e    riye  te  Simud  
 Phonemic: ­e   die­  te  Simud  
  Lexemes: ­e   die­  te  Simud  
  Lex POS: part dem   cmk prop_n 
Lex Gloss: COMP there NF  Simud  
 Word POS: part dem   cmk prop_n 
Wrd Gloss: COMP there to  Sinuda 

If our money was plentiful, we would transfer there to Simud.

If we had lots of money, we would move to Sinuda.

MU153001 002

   Spoken: Diye  key      eg-ugpet         Simud. 
   Formal: Diye  key      eg-ugpe      te  Simud  
 Phonemic: die­  key      ­eg­ugpe­   #te  Simud  
  Lexemes: die­  key      ­eg- =­ugpe­#te  Simud  
  Lex POS: dem   pron     v_aff=v_rt  #cmk prop_n 
Lex Gloss: there 1pe_F    NP   =stay  #NF  Simud  
 Word POS: pron  pron     v           #cmk prop_n 
Wrd Gloss: there we(excl) live        #at  Sinuda 

There we would live at Simud.

We would live there at Sinuda.

MU153001 003

   Spoken: Pekeuma      key      riyet     Simud  beli key      e    te  tane, 
   Formal: Pekeuma      key      riye  te  Simud  beli key      e    te  tane  
 Phonemic: peke­uma     key      die­ #te  Simud  beli key      ­e   te  tane­ 
  Lexemes: pAkA-=­uma   key      die­ #te  Simud  beli key      ­e   te  tane­ 
  Lex POS: v_aff=v_rt   pron     dem  #cmk prop_n v_rt pron     part cmk n     
Lex Gloss: INVOL=arrive 1pe_F    there#NF  Simud  buy  1pe_F    COMP NF  earth 
 Word POS: v            pron     dem  #cmk prop_n v    pron     part cmk n     
Wrd Gloss: arrive       we(excl) there#at  Sinuda buy  we(excl) COMP -   land  

   Spoken: kalabew,      daru, me     suyud,     baley. 
   Formal: kalabew       daru  me     suyud      baley  
 Phonemic: kalabew       dadu  me1    suyud      baley  
  Lexemes: kalabew       dadu  me1    suyud      baley  
  Lex POS: n             n     adt    n          n      
Lex Gloss: water_buffalo plow  PLURAL paddy_tool house  
 Word POS: n             n     adt    n          n      
Wrd Gloss: water_buffalo plow  -      paddy_tool house  

After we arrive at Simud, we will buy land, a carabao, a plow, tools for the rice paddies, and a house.

In Sinuda, we would buy some land, a carabao and plow, tools for the rice paddies, and a house.

MU153001 004

   Spoken: Langun neg kabeli           ney,       beli key      et       umpak  
   Formal: Langun ne  egkabeli         ney        beli key      e    te  umpak  
 Phonemic: la¥un  ne  ­egkabeli        ney        beli key      ­e  #te  ­umpak 
  Lexemes: la¥un  ne  ­eg- =kA1- =beli ney        beli key      ­e  #te  ­umpak 
  Lex POS: adj    lnk v_aff=v_aff=v_rt pron       v_rt pron     part#cmk n      
Lex Gloss: all    LNK NP   =INVOL=buy  1pe_NF(II) buy  1pe_F    COMP#NF  shirt  
 Word POS: adj    lnk v                pron       v    pron     part#cmk n      
Wrd Gloss: all    -   able_to_buy?     we(excl)   buy  we(excl) COMP#-   shirt  

   Spoken: te  me     bate, minenebe,        ka  kumplite key      e.   
   Formal: te  me     bate  minenebe         ka  kumplite key      e    
 Phonemic: te  me1    bate­ minenebe         ka2 kumplite key      ­e   
  Lexemes: te  me1    bate­ -in-     =menebe ka2 kumplite key      ­e   
  Lex POS: cmk adt    n     v_aff    =n      cmk adj      pron     part 
Lex Gloss: NF  PLURAL child RESULTANT=Manobo F   complete 1pe_F    COMP 
 Word POS: cmk adt    n     n                cmk adj      pron     part 
Wrd Gloss: for -      child Manobo_clothes   the complete we(excl) COMP 

Everything we can buy, we would buy shirts for the children, Manobo clothes, complete.

We would buy everything we could, like clothes for the children, and the complete Manobo uniform.

Shirts are more important than pants for children. Few people can afford the complete Manobo uniform.

MU153001 005

   Spoken: Ka  duman     seleppi, igbeli       ney        e    teg 
   Formal: Ka  duma  ne  seleppi  igbeli       ney        e    te  
 Phonemic: ka2 duma #ne  seleppi­ ­igbeli      ney        ­e   te  
  Lexemes: ka2 duma #ne  seleppi­ ­ig-   =beli ney        ­e   te  
  Lex POS: cmk adj  #lnk n        v_aff  =v_rt pron       part cmk 
Lex Gloss: F   other#LNK money    NP_AccF=buy  1pe_NF(II) COMP NF  
 Word POS: cmk adj  #lnk n        v            pron       part cmk 
Wrd Gloss: the other#-   money    buy          we(excl)   COMP -   

   Spoken: keenen            eyew    gastu ney        teg trabahe       su         
   Formal: egkeenen          eyew    gastu ney        te  egtrabahe     su         
 Phonemic: ­egke­enen        ­eyew   gastu ney        te  ­egtrabahe    su         
  Lexemes: ­eg- =ke­en=-en   ­eyew   gastu ney        te  ­eg- =trabahe su         
  Lex POS: v_aff=v_rt =v_aff conj    ?     pron       cmk v_aff=v       conj       
Lex Gloss: NP   =eat  =ObF   so_that spend 1pe_NF(II) NF  NP   =work    because/so 
 Word POS: v                 conj    n     pron       cmk v             conj       
Wrd Gloss: thing_to_eat      so_that pay   we(excl)   -   work          because    

   Spoken: eyewg   kaamin              ka  seleppi  duen        ded             
   Formal: eyew    egkaamin            ka  seleppi  duen        ded             
 Phonemic: ­eyew   ­egka­amin          ka2 seleppi­ du­en       ded             
  Lexemes: ­eyew   ­eg- =kA1- =­amin   ka2 seleppi­ du­e1   =-N de­ =-d         
  Lex POS: conj    v_aff=v_aff=v_rt    cmk n        psd_v   =– adt =nonv_aff   
Lex Gloss: so_that NP   =INVOL=consume F   money    there_is=– only=COMPLETIVE 
 Word POS: conj    v                   cmk n        pron        adt             
Wrd Gloss: so_that use_up              the money    there       just            

   Spoken: himu    ney        neg pabulus.             
   Formal: himu    ney        ne  egpabulus            
 Phonemic: himu    ney        ne  ­egpabulus           
  Lexemes: himu    ney        ne  ­eg- =pA-  =bulus    
  Lex POS: v_rt    pron       lnk v_aff=v_aff=v_rt     
Lex Gloss: make/do 1pe_NF(II) LNK NP   =CAUS =continue 
 Word POS: n       pron       lnk v                    
Wrd Gloss: make/do we(excl)   -   continue             

The rest of the moment we would use to buy food to pay those who work so that if the money is used up, there is still work for us to continue.

We would use the rest of the money to buy food to pay labourers so that even when the money is used up, there is still work for us to continue.

It is customary to pay labourers by feeding them, preferably with rice.

MU153001 006

   Spoken: Su         kayi re   taman     ka  keddi      ne  pangguhuren            
   Formal: su         kayi re   taman     ka  keddi      ne  pangguhuren            
 Phonemic: su         kai  de­  taman     ka2 keddi­     ne  pa¥guguden             
  Lexemes: su         kai  de­  taman     ka2 keddi­     ne  paN- =gugud     =-en   
  Lex POS: conj       dem  adt  adv       cmk pron       lnk v_aff=v_rt      =v_aff 
Lex Gloss: because/so here only until     F   1s_NF(III) LNK DISTR=tell_story=ObF   
 Word POS: conj       dem  adt  ?         cmk poss_pron  lnk v                      
Wrd Gloss: so         here just as_far_as the my         -   story                  

   Spoken: ke   dakel    se  seleppi  ney.       
   Formal: ke   dakel    se  seleppi  ney        
 Phonemic: ke   dakel    se  seleppi­ ney        
  Lexemes: ke   dakel    se  seleppi­ ney        
  Lex POS: conj adj      cmk n        pron       
Lex Gloss: if   big/many F   money    1pe_NF(II) 
 Word POS: conj adj      cmk n        pron       
Wrd Gloss: if   big      the money    ours(excl) 

Just here is the end of my story if we had lots of money.

This is the end of my story about having lots of money.

This is a conventional ending to a speech.

(Prompted for more)

MU153001 007

   Spoken: Meyi ke  pad    egkaamin,           egpamehayan             
   Formal: Meyi ke  pad    egkaamin            egpamehayan             
 Phonemic: mei­ ke­ pad    ­egka­amin          ­egpamegayan            
  Lexemes: mei­ ke­ pad    ­eg- =kA1- =­amin   ­eg- =paN- =begey=-an   
  Lex POS: conj adv part   v_aff=v_aff=v_rt    v_aff=v_aff=v_rt =v_aff 
Lex Gloss: if   not INCOMP NP   =INVOL=consume NP   =DISTR=give =LocF  
 Word POS: conj adv part   v                   v                       
Wrd Gloss: if   not still  use_up              distribute              

   Spoken: kuk           me     amey   ku,       iney   ku,       pamehayan         
   Formal: ku        ka  me     amey   ku        iney   ku        pamehayan         
 Phonemic: ku       #ka2 me1    ­amey  ku        ­iney  ku        pamegayan         
  Lexemes: ku       #ka2 me1    ­amey  ku        ­iney  ku        paN- =begey=-an   
  Lex POS: pron     #cmk adt    n      pron      n      pron      v_aff=v_rt =v_aff 
Lex Gloss: 1s_NF(II)#F   PLURAL father 1s_NF(II) mother 1s_NF(II) DISTR=give =LocF  
 Word POS: pron     #cmk adt    n      poss_pron n      poss_pron v                 
Wrd Gloss: I        #the -      father my        mother my        distribute        

   Spoken: ku        te  umpak  ka  me     hari            ku.       
   Formal: ku        te  umpak  ka  me     hari            ku        
 Phonemic: ku        te  ­umpak ka2 me1    hadi            ku        
  Lexemes: ku        te  ­umpak ka2 me1    hadi            ku        
  Lex POS: pron      cmk n      cmk adt    n               pron      
Lex Gloss: 1s_NF(II) NF  shirt  F   PLURAL younger_sibling 1s_NF(II) 
 Word POS: pron      cmk n      cmk adt    n               poss_pron 
Wrd Gloss: I         -   shirt  the -      younger_sibling my        

If it's still not used up, I would distribute to my father, my mother, and I would give shirts to my younger siblings.

If it's still not used up, I would give some to my parents and buy shirts for my brothers and sisters.

Often the responsibility falls upon the children of helping to support their younger brothers and sisters.

MU153001 008

   Spoken: Langun ney        diye  key      eg-ugpe      te  Simud  se  
   Formal: Langun ney        diye  key      eg-ugpe      te  Simud  se  
 Phonemic: la¥un  ney        die­  key      ­eg­ugpe­    te  Simud  se  
  Lexemes: la¥un  ney        die­  key      ­eg- =­ugpe­ te  Simud  se  
  Lex POS: adj    pron       dem   pron     v_aff=v_rt   cmk prop_n cmk 
Lex Gloss: all    1pe_NF(II) there 1pe_F    NP   =stay   NF  Simud  F   
 Word POS: adj    pron       pron  pron     v            cmk prop_n cmk 
Wrd Gloss: all    we(excl)   there we(excl) live         at  Sinuda the 

   Spoken: taltalaanak               su         eyew    egkabuyag           
   Formal: taltalaanak               su         eyew    egkabuyag           
 Phonemic: taltala­anak              su         ­eyew   ­egkabuyag          
  Lexemes: rdpCVC-=tAlA-      =­anak su         ­eyew   ­eg- =kA1- =buyag   
  Lex POS: v_aff  =v_aff      =n     conj       conj    v_aff=v_aff=adj     
Lex Gloss: INT    =NR_RELATION=child because/so so_that NP   =INVOL=elderly 
 Word POS: n                         conj       conj    v                   
Wrd Gloss: family                    because    so_that become_old          

   Spoken: ensi       Ame,  kanami      e    seg pakeen            su         
   Formal: ensi       Ame   kanami      e    se  egpakeen          su         
 Phonemic: ­ensi      ­ame­ kanami      ­e   se  ­egpake­en        su         
  Lexemes: ­ensi      ­ame­ kanami      ­e   se  ­eg- =pA-  =ke­en su         
  Lex POS: cmk        n     pron        part cmk v_aff=v_aff=v_rt  conj       
Lex Gloss: F_PERS(pl) daddy 1pe_NF(III) COMP F   NP   =CAUS =eat   because/so 
 Word POS: cmk        n     pron        part cmk v                 conj       
Wrd Gloss: -          dad   we(excl)    COMP the feed              because    

   Spoken: igbalus            ney        te  miglitan             degma kanami.     
   Formal: igbalus            ney        te  miglitan             degma kanami      
 Phonemic: ­igbalus           ney        te  miglitan             degma kanami      
  Lexemes: ­ig-   =balus      ney        te  mig- =litan          degma kanami      
  Lex POS: v_aff  =v_rt       pron       cmk v_aff=v_rt           adt   pron        
Lex Gloss: NP_AccF=look_after 1pe_NF(II) NF  P    =care_for/woman also  1pe_NF(III) 
 Word POS: v                  pron       cmk v                    adt   pron        
Wrd Gloss: look_after         we(excl)   -   cared_for            also  we(excl)    

We would all (parents and children) live there at Simud so that when Dad grows old, we would feed him since we care for those who cared for us.

The entire (extended) family) would keep living in Sinuda and we would feed and look after Dad when he got old because we look after those who cared for us.

It is common for the children to physically support their aged parents.

MU153001 009

   Spoken: Me     suled           ku,       pamehayan         kud                  
   Formal: Me     suled           ku        pamehayan         kud                  
 Phonemic: me1    suled           ku        pamegayan         kud                  
  Lexemes: me1    suled           ku        paN- =begey=-an   ku       =-d         
  Lex POS: adt    n               pron      v_aff=v_rt =v_aff pron     =nonv_aff   
Lex Gloss: PLURAL brother/sibling 1s_NF(II) DISTR=give =LocF  1s_NF(II)=COMPLETIVE 
 Word POS: adt    n               poss_pron v                 pron                 
Wrd Gloss: -      relative        my        distribute        I_COMPL              

   Spoken: e    su       eyew pakageram         sikandan te  seleppi  ney        
   Formal: e    su eyew  -    egpakageram       sikandan te  seleppi  ney        
 Phonemic: ­e   su_­eyew -    ­egpakagedam      sikandan te  seleppi­ ney        
  Lexemes: ­e   su_­eyew -    ­eg- =pAkA-=gedam sikandan te  seleppi­ ney        
  Lex POS: part conj     -    v_aff=v_aff=v_rt  pron     cmk n        pron       
Lex Gloss: COMP so_that  -    NP   =INVOL=test  3p_F     NF  money    1pe_NF(II) 
 Word POS: part conj     -    v                 pron     cmk n        pron       
Wrd Gloss: COMP so_that  -    able_to_try       they     of  money    ours(excl) 

   Spoken: regmat    alunggun.      
   Formal: regma te  alunggun       
 Phonemic: degma#te  ­alu¥gun       
  Lexemes: degma#te  ­alu¥gun       
  Lex POS: adt  #cmk n              
Lex Gloss: also #NF  married_couple 
 Word POS: adt  #cmk n              
Wrd Gloss: also #of  married_couple 

My relatives, I would give to them so they could also try the money of us couple.

I would also give some to my relatives so they could try using some of the money that belongs to my husband and I.

MU153001 010

   Spoken: Su         kayi re   taman     ka  pangguhureng           ku.       
   Formal: su         kayi re   taman     ka  pangguhuren            ku        
 Phonemic: su         kai  de­  taman     ka2 pa¥guguden             ku        
  Lexemes: su         kai  de­  taman     ka2 paN- =gugud     =-en   ku        
  Lex POS: conj       dem  adt  adv       cmk v_aff=v_rt      =v_aff pron      
Lex Gloss: because/so here only until     F   DISTR=tell_story=ObF   1s_NF(II) 
 Word POS: conj       dem  adt  adj       cmk v                      poss_pron 
Wrd Gloss: so         here just as_far_as the story                  my        

So here finishes my story.

This is the end of my story.

The second ending!

(Questioned about many who would ask for money)

MU153001 011

   Spoken: Uya, ke   masulug     kag buyu,         kaamin        e    ka  seleppi  
   Formal: uya  ke   masulug     ka  egbuyu        kaamin        e    ka  seleppi  
 Phonemic: ­uya ke   masulug     ka2 ­egbuyu­      ka­amin       ­e   ka2 seleppi­ 
  Lexemes: ­uya ke   mA1-=sulug  ka2 ­eg- =buyu­   kA1- =­amin   ­e   ka2 seleppi­ 
  Lex POS: adv  conj aff =adj_rt cmk v_aff=v_rt    v_aff=v_rt    part cmk n        
Lex Gloss: yes  if   ADJR=many   F   NP   =ask_for INVOL=consume COMP F   money    
 Word POS: adv  conj prop_n      cmk v             v             part cmk n        
Wrd Gloss: yes  if   Masulug     the request       use_up        COMP the money    

   Spoken: su         hinungdan egbeli     key      te  tane, kalabew,      daru, 
   Formal: su         keilangan egbeli     key      te  tane  kalabew       daru  
 Phonemic: su         ke­ila¥an ­egbeli    key      te  tane­ kalabew       dadu  
  Lexemes: su         ke­ila¥an ­eg- =beli key      te  tane­ kalabew       dadu  
  Lex POS: conj       v_rt      v_aff=v_rt pron     cmk n     n             n     
Lex Gloss: because/so need      NP   =buy  1pe_F    NF  earth water_buffalo plow  
 Word POS: conj       v         v          pron     cmk n     n             n     
Wrd Gloss: because    need      buy        we(excl) -   land  water_buffalo plow  

   Spoken: su       eyewg kaamin              ka  seleppi  due      
   Formal: su eyew  -     egkaamin            ka  seleppi  due      
 Phonemic: su_­eyew -     ­egka­amin          ka2 seleppi­ du­e1    
  Lexemes: su_­eyew -     ­eg- =kA1- =­amin   ka2 seleppi­ du­e1    
  Lex POS: conj     -     v_aff=v_aff=v_rt    cmk n        psd_v    
Lex Gloss: so_that  -     NP   =INVOL=consume F   money    there_is 
 Word POS: conj     -     v                   cmk n        psd_v    
Wrd Gloss: so_that  -     use_up              the money    there_is 

   Spoken: egkahaat                 ne  gimuwen             ney.       
   Formal: egkahaat                 ne  eggimuwen           ney        
 Phonemic: ­egkagaat                ne  ­eghimuen           ney        
  Lexemes: ­eg- =kA1- =gaat         ne  ­eg- =himu   =-en   ney        
  Lex POS: v_aff=v_aff=v_rt         lnk v_aff=v_rt   =v_aff pron       
Lex Gloss: NP   =INVOL=take_care_of LNK NP   =make/do=ObF   1pe_NF(II) 
 Word POS: v                        lnk v                   pron       
Wrd Gloss: look_after               -   make/do             we(excl)   

Yes, if many people ask (for money), the money will be used up because we need to buy a carabao, plow, so that when the money is used up, we have something left to look after.

Yes, if many people beg, the money will be used up because we need to buy a carabao and plow so that when the money is used up, we still have something left to work with.